Katie h.

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Arlington, Virginia, United States


Über Katie h.

28 Jahre alt | Operations Support Associate

I'm a young professional in my 20s, looking for a way to explore new cities while also spending time with some adorable pets! I have a cat of my own (Ollie) and a family dog (Hannah) who I've spent years taking care of. I work a flexible 9-5 work from home job so have plenty of time during the day to take care of chores, animals, and other things around the house as needed. Looking forward to connecting!

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Juan d.

Washington, United States - August 2022

Bottom line is we highly recommend Katie, and would have her house-sit for us in a heartbeat. Katie stayed with our pets for over a week and did a wonderful job watching them, our plants, and our home! She was kind, responsive, communicative, flexible with her arrival and departure time, and an overall great presence for us and the pets while we were gone. (Our normally shy cat was apparently cuddling with her by day two…) We would highly recommend her to others, and wish her all the best on her Nomador journey in the coming months and years. (And we have already asked her if she can come back in August!) Thank you so much for taking such good care of our home and pets Katie!

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