Nicolás s.

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Rosario, Santa Fe Province, Argentina


Über Nicolás s.

38 Jahre alt | Freelance Marketing Coordinator

My name is NIcolas. I am 33 years old, an interior designer and and I do digital marketing for a British company.
I am an animal-plant-insect-anything-that-lives lover. I enjoy cooking, nature, art, animals, plants, gardening, travelling and taking photos.
I've been travelling since 2015, and I've sitted cats and dogs in many different places.
Now I am back to Argentina, but I continue to travel the world as much as I can, visiting friends and making new ones.
First, I've sited a beautiful dog in Cancun, Mexico; and we made instant connection. I stayed with him for 45 days. Then, I've sitted a cat in Chambery, France, for 3 weeks. Later on, I travelled to Rhone Alpes to sit a lovely dog. I stayed with her for 3 amazing weeks (see reference from dog owner Marie Laure). After France, I went to Brugges, Belgium, and have fun living with a playful dog called Buddy.
Later on, I took care of 2 cats in Edinburgh, Scotland. I stayed with them for 45 days.
I have a cat in Argentina, Penelope. While I am travelling, my parents are taking good care of her.
I'll be back to Europe from June to September, happy to meet new places, people, cats and dogs.
Feel free to check out a short reference video some friends and pet owners (human and not human) made for me and a former travel partner.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Elsa p.

Paris, France - August 2019

Nicolas was a great cat sitter for Yoda ! I was totally trusting him to take care of my cat. He really liked her and was very nice to her. He took great care of the appartment as well. I totally recomand Nicolas as a pet sitter as he is also a very nice person to deal with !

Marie Laure E.

Érétrie, Greece - Juni 2016

Nicolas et Diego sont tres agreables et tres attentifs au bien etre de notre chien .nous avons souvent communiqué ensemble et Gaia a du etre triste a leur départ. L'appartement a été laissé dans un état impeccable. Je les recommande vivement

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