Kelly d.

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States


Über Kelly d.

63 Jahre alt | Exceptional Car Broker

I buy and sell cars for collectors all over the world. I recently left the US and have been using London and the Netherlands (where I house sit in Den Haag) as my base to travel Europe to visit client collections and car events. I do not plan on returning to the US for several years.

I am available for long term house sitting (two weeks and longer). Prefer city setting. Experienced traveler. Owned my own home for over 30 years so adept at upkeep, light gardening and looking after a property.

Once I commit to a house sit I do not cancel. I have been a member of Airbnb for 15 years with good standing. Currently on another site where I have taken on a house sit in Den Haag, The Netherlands for six weeks (ending August 5, 2022).

House sitting gives me the opportunity to explore car cultures all over the world. The advantage to the home owner is that I am single, quiet, a non-smoker, work out of my home, am environmentally conscious (do not leave lights burning, water running or heat on high temperature). Very tidy. Can not go to bed with a dirty plate in the sink. Very adept at basic maintenance and calm in a state of emergency.

House sitting is advantageous for both the house sitter and the house owner. I maintain your house as you would and you allow me the opportunity to explore new locations to engage in car related events. A win for both sides.

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Pauline s.

Paris, France - September 2022

Kelly was great and super trust worthy! We kept in touch all the way through the house sitting which was very reassuring. I definetly would recommend Kelly, it was great to have her take care of my cat and I would have her come again any time!

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