Pat p.

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Uithuizen, Groningen, Netherlands

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Pat p.

52 Jahre alt | videoproducer

We're a Dutch couple travelling Europe in our campervan. We love Spain and wish to travel a bit more in Portugal. We have no kids or pets, so we are 'free'. We love animals and nature. We prefer relax over busy, rural over city and sun over rain.

We drink tea and coffee, do yoga in the morning and are pretty relaxed and easy going.

As soon as our work allows we'd love to move to the Iberian peninsula on a permanent basis. House-, and pet-sitting is our great opportunity to explore these beautifull countries we are so deeply inspired by.

We are transitioning our local based work to online work for this reason.

I am a videoproducer and video esitor, my wife teaches and researches at a University's Medical Centre in the northern part of Holland.

We currently live in the Netherlands (temporary) as we moved from Finland late 2021. We lived there in the middle of nature for 10 years. We still regularly go there.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Erja, 47 Jahre alt, Phd. in gerontology, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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