Theresa m.

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SF, California, United States


Über Theresa m.

62 Jahre alt | Registered Nurse

We are Ken and Theresa from San Francisco, California, married, age 66 and 59. Before COVID (2015-2019) we retired from medical careers, rented out our home and began to travel and house sit our way around the world. We have been in love for over twenty five years. We treat others' homes with the same respect we have for our own. We are animal lovers and volunteers. Ken is a bit of a handyman and we both love to garden. We have both maintained a hot tub and a pool. In our travels, we want to immerse ourselves in new communities and sometimes have animals to hug and care for while we do. What a Bonus! We have experience caring for most types of pets and can adapt to care for others.. Our passions include snorkeling, exploring, photography and making a positive difference in people's and animal's lives. We have cared for a variety of pets including foster dogs through which specializes in rescuing senior dogs. Theresa has also worked with 2 gorillas - Ndume and Koko at The Gorilla Foundation. Theresa is a registered nurse who worked at San Francisco General Hospital. She also has a degree in education and in animal behavior. Ken was both an x-ray tech and a phlebotomist but has spent a couple years working on our house to get it ready to rent. He also has 20 years experience as a fine art printer. We have both worked as volunteers at zoos. Ken specialized in insects and Theresa specialized in reptiles and amphibians. We have already had some great housesits including the Seychelles, Laos, Bali, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica and Australia and have received excellent references from all of them. We get along amazingly well thanks to our both having a great sense of humor and a shared dream so we make an incredible team.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ken, 68 Jahre alt, X-Ray Tech, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Sean s.

Madison, United States - April 2018

Theresa and Ken did a terrific job caring for our pets and house. We had to worry about nothing for the two weeks they stayed at our place. We returned from our own trip to healthy pets and a clean house. I would recommend Theresa and Ken to anyone seeking reliable, independent house sitters.

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