Soizic M.

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Plouguerneau, Brittany, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Soizic M.

65 Jahre alt | Teaching | Allein

Widow for 6 years, I am a retired teacher since November 1st 2021.
Non-smoker, I am orderly and I have a strong sense of responsibility.
I spent 14 months in Tunisia (mid-Nov 2021 to end of May 2022; Mid-nov 2022 til end of April 2023; February - April 2024) as I like discovering countries, cultures, people; I practice walking and photography.
I had 3 dogs (Berger de Brie) et one cat in the past. None for 4 years.
I love taking care of animals and cuddling them.
For a couple of friends, I looked after their house and animals (2 dogs, 1 cat and 5 hens) during 3 weeks in June 2022. I really appreciate this period. It made me want to repeat this experience.
That's done !
2022: From 31st July to 11th of August, I was H & P sitter in Brittany (Ille et Vilaine) (1 cat, 6 hens, 2 birds) then from 11th to 28th of August, I was H & P sitter in Brittany (Finistère)(4 cats, 2 hens and 2 birds).
2023: August 11th-28th, I was H&P sitter in Normandy (1 dog, 2 cats, 2 birds, 6 hens, 4 ducks and 20 sheep) then from Sept 25th til Oct 5th, I was H&P in Brittany (Morbihan) for 2 cats.
Another one: catsitter (3 cats) in Amsterdam (Dec 22 to Jan 2, 2024).
In 2024, Pet-sitting in Anjou (France), looking after 2 cats, a rabbit and 2 hens, watering the garden from July 23th to August 3rd. Then, home-sitting in Lyon (France), watering indoor and outdoor plants (August 3rd - 14th). And pet-siiting a cat in Paris from August 14th to 18th.
All these experiences were very, very pleasant !
Available from October 17th to November 6th, 2024 and December 18 to January 8, 2025 (+/- 2 days).
I can send recommendations from previous H&P sittings outside of Nomador.
Kind regards.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer
Übertrifft die Erwartungen

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Béa et sa famille -.

Rives-du-Loir-en-Anjou, France - August 2024

Ce fut un vrai plaisir de faire la connaissance de Soizic. Nous avons reçu très régulièrement des nouvelles de nos petits compagnons, ainsi que des photos et messages sur les lieux visités par Soizic. Nous tenons tout particulièrement à la remercier pour sa gestion sans faille de la fuite de notre chauffe-eau. Soizic a attendu la fin du séjour pour nous en parler, "pour éviter de gâcher nos vacances". C'est une attention si délicate. Nous regrettons que nos chats n'aient pas vaincu leur timidité maladive mais heureusement, Flocon a su être plus chaleureux ;-) Merci encore pour tout Soizic :-)

Hrefna S.

Amsterdam, Netherlands - Januar 2024

Soizic took great care of our three cats over Christmas and New Year’s. She communicated really well, both before arriving and during our vacation. She sent us twice-daily updates and from the photos it was obvious that the cats were happy and well taken care of. She is very friendly and was interested in exploring Amsterdam and the surrounding cities. When we got back from our late flight the apartment was clean and she had even bought everything for a lovely goodbye lunch before leaving on her flight. We highly recommend Soizic as a nice, trustworthy person to take good care of your pets and home while you are away.

Valérie e.

Tréméven, France - August 2022

Nous sommes entièrement satisfaits des services de Soizic, une personne très sérieuse, très gentille, mes chats ont été heureux pendant mon absence ; rien à redire... Elle revient quand elle veut😊 Encore un grand merci Soizic

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