Melanie C.

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Harpenden, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Melanie C.

52 Jahre alt | EYFS assistant | Als Paar/Duo

I currently work part time in a preschool and I am off for school holidays.My mother is retired .My partner works full time .My daughter is in her last year of college and is also off during college holidays. We would not all be house sitting together, it would be one/two of us usually.We have all always had pets,so feel confident in looking after them . I would do light gardening duties . We are clean and tidy guests .
This is our first time of house sitting through a company. We have done it for family and friends and still do .
We have stayed in many Air bnb properties and have good reviews I am happy for you to check .

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Pauline, 72 Jahre alt, Retired, Elternteil
Raymond, 59 Jahre alt, Hgv2 driver, Ehepartner / Partner
Rhiannon, 20 Jahre alt, College student, Kind

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Collette c.

Dungloe, Ireland - Mai 2024

Melanie and Ray were the perfect house sitters. Although new to house sitting they felt more like seasoned professionals. They took special care of our furry family of four cats, giving regular updates and photos while we were away. You always know your animals have been well loved and looked after when you return and they are chilled, happy and pleased to see you. The communication before and during their sit was 100%%. They also looked after our home with respect and care, Coming home to a clean home just as we left it is a wonderful feeling after a break away. I can highly recommend Melanie and Ray to any future house sitters and we would have no problems hosting them again in the future. All the best guys and I hope you have a wonderful house sitting future. C&N

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