Maurice D.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

SF, California, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Maurice D.

59 Jahre alt | Sales manager/real estate

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Herzlicher Gastgeber
Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Jaclyn h.

Philadelphia, United States - Juni 2024

We absolutely loved our time with Nigel & Dum Dum! Both cats are really lovely boys and they were very easy to look after. Mo & Chris are incredible hosts. They made us feel welcome from the second we met them and when we saw them again on their return it felt more like reconnecting with old friends. This is due in part to Mo's excellent communication throughout the sit and their overall interest in us not just as sitters but as people. The home & neighborhood are both excellent and have a lot to offer both homebodies and explorers alike. Mo & Chris' house and garden are so comfortable in fact, that it was sometimes difficult to go out exploring because we both preferred to stay home and hang out with the boys. In short, we would wholeheartedly recommend this sit to anyone who loves cats, gardening, and creating connections through housesitting.

Sylvie G.

Caen, France - März 2024

I was very lucky to spend 4 weeks at Mo ans Cris's house with Dum Dum and Nigel. Mo and Cris are very caring people, they did everything to make me feel comfortable in their beautiful home, offering food (not to mention the beef and onion!), travel card...And I felt very well in good company, and every thing was secured. The cats Dum Dum and Nigel are so cute and friendly. They adopted me very quickly, and we shared a lot of time together. I never felt alone. They always went with me into the garden, sat on my lap or laid on my book when I was reading. I liked their company. It was a pleasure to be with them. Thank you very much Mo and Cris for trusting me and being so kind to me. So if you need me, let me know....

Sandy v.

Edmonton, Canada - März 2023

When Chris and Mo’s ad appeared on Nomador looking for someone to care for their 2 rescue kitties, we jumped on it! We have been pet sitting for a few years, and have enjoyed meeting people all over the world, but it will be very hard now to find anyone else like Chris and Mo. From the moment we arrived in San Francisco they treated us like honoured guests and long lost friends. We spent the most delightful day with them before they left for their house in France. We were so lucky to be able to spend 6 weeks enjoying their beautiful home, stunning city and their two fun cats, Nigel and Dum Dum. Chris and Mo were the perfect hosts and left us with everything we needed for a 5 star pet sit vacation, and over that period continuously sent us tips and advice on things to do and see and eat in San Francisco. We were sad it had to come to an end, but were thrilled our new friends invited us back again for another stay, which we are looking forward to immensely.

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