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Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Melinda

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Keith s.

Louisville, United States - Dezember 2022

What a great opportunity it was to house sit for Melinda, Jamie and those AMAZING cats! We first met Melinda prior to the scheduled sit date. She graciously suggested a time and place to meet where we could also meet the 4 cats, see the property and discuss the house and cat responsibilities. It didn’t take long to realize that indeed this was going to be a good fit for both parties and the kitties too. Melinda is a warm, friendly and super organized person. She was very easy to talk with and had such good daily routines established that it made it easy to step into the home/pet sitter role. She had written instructions for daily care of the 4 gorgeous cats as well as demonstrating the feeding and cleaning routine, etc, before they left for their trip. As a surprise, they gifted us a bottle of wine from their home country. How lovely! The property is very spacious, peaceful and private with plenty of room. Being in a tropical climate, it was fantastic to see the beautiful views, monkeys, birds and scarlet macaws. They also have 2 dehumidified “dry rooms” which was quite nice! And about those cats…well…you couldn’t ask for any better! We so enjoyed their company! They were a lot of fun! Because of this experience, we would gladly do another house sit for them again. We definitely recommend them!

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