Katie a.

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Buffalo, New York, United States


Über Katie a.

36 Jahre alt | Global Assignment Coordinator

Honest, dependable, chronic dog/house sitter looking for new ways to explore the world.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Ciaran c.

Senneville, Canada - November 2022

Katie was really great with our dog and two cats. She loves animals and we recognized that she gave them lots of attention and the dog plenty of walks. They had a great time with her. She also kept us well updated while we were away with news and photos so we were very comfortable with everything. Katie is very independent in organization and showed good interest in exploring the neighbourhood and seeing things. I am sure she would settle in and be comfortable in a house sit anywhere. The house was tidy and clean when we came home too, which is always nice:) We'd certainly have Katie with us again, thank you!

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