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CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Gaspar

40 Jahre alt | Web Developer | Als Paar/Duo

I'm Gaspar from Argentina, 39 years old, I love animals! And since I was a child I've had plenty of dogs and cats (and also birds, fish, rabbits, guinea pigs, and even a couple of turtles). Now as a grown-up, I rescue cats and dogs from the streets, taking care of them in my house until they're adopted.
I also love to travel, and since I work with my computer as a web developer, I can take my work with me anywhere, so I often work and travel. While doing that I found out about "pet sitting" I was amazed, I did it twice in 2022, 1 cat in France, and 2 cats in New York (you can see the positive feedback on my profile!), and now that I'm traveling to Europe again, I would like to do it again! Also, apart from those previous nomador experiences, the rescued animals, and my pets, I've taken care of cats and dogs from friends and family, so I'm used to being around new animals all the time, and I hope I can meet yours!

This time I will be traveling with my childhood friend Diego, who has a similar profile as mine, he also works as a developer (we work together), loves to travel, and loves animals (he has a giant cat), so there will be double care and affection for your pets!

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Diego, 36 Jahre alt, Web Developer, Freund

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Samantha y.

New York, United States - Oktober 2022

Gaspar was really nice, took careful note of how to care for my cats and apartment, and left it really clean when he left. He was a great sitter and he's always welcome back!

Ilian c.

Nantes, France - September 2022

I didn't meet Gaspar in person but it was simple to communicate and organize with them. Nawa seemed less anxious than usual when I came home, a sign that it had access to good cuddles when I was away. The fridge was full of little treats and the house was tidy and clean when I got back.

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