Jacqui s.

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Über Jacqui s.

61 Jahre alt | Editor

I'm a mature, very responsible and experienced housesitter with excellent references. I will keep your home clean and tidy. Non-smoker.

I work from home so am able to care for pets who like company all day long. I'm more of a dog person than a cat person and like to go for a couple of walks a day to get a break from my computer screen.

I have maintained swimming pools, verandahs and pathways, and I like gardening. I can also let you know what mail has arrived in your absence if needed.

In summary, I'm someone who's completely reliable.

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Lorna c.

Fuengirola, Spain - Dezember 2018

Jacqui was a great pet/house sitter! She was very considerate, arriving a day before to get oriented and to understand Poppy's routine. Poppy totally fell in love with her and they quickly became firm friends :-) Poppy was poorly when Jacqui arrived with a kidney infection, so Jacqui had to deal with medicine administration and little accidents, which she completely took in her stride. We arrived home late after a long journey and Jacqui stayed up to greet us and she had cooked for us which was incredibly thoughtful! Poppy has since had a number of additional play dates with her firm friend!!! We would highly recommend Jacqui, a lovely lady with a very lovely personality and humour and most definitely a great way with animals :-)

Wolfgang e.

Vienna, Austria - September 2018

Jacqui has won the hearts of our animals in no time -- she's just such a natural and lovely person. We happen to stay in the house with her for a longer time and she's very quiet and flexible, doesn't impose herself and helps where help is needed, Highly recommended.

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