Sarah W.

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Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Sarah W.

45 Jahre alt | Tech writer | Als Paar/Duo

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Clara D.

Madrid, Spain - Oktober 2024

It's been a blessing & a privilege to take care of Hugo! Mr Hugo Boss is a true gentlemen, the cutest cat in Norway hands down! He is not only cute but also super smart - I was totally impressed by his intelligence and also his flexibility and shape. You can tell that Sarah and Øyvind really take good care of him and make sure that he has everything he needs. I've enjoyed very much my cuddling and brushing sessions with him, playing together or listening to music! Regarding the apartment, it's simply everything someone could dream of: extremely beautiful, nicely decorated with lots of taste. Sarah and Øyvind have traveled the world and you can tell it by the amount of travel books they have on their library! I enjoyed my walks in the park right in front of the apartment, watching the stunning autumn leaves. Oslo is a vibrant and gorgeous city, I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to take care of Hugo while visiting such beautiful place. I'm already missing Hugo as I'm starting to pack my suitcase :) Thanks again to Sarah and Øyvind for their trust!

Solveig L.

Düsseldorf, Germany - Januar 2023

Sarah is a friendly and welcoming host, always available and responsive to my news and questions. She prepared and sent me all needed information about Hugo and apartment already some days before my arrival. This written notices as well as the simple and effective explanation by our first meeting in person, made my tasks easy to accomplish. The tastefully decorated and furnished apartment is very spacious and comfortable. Hugo was a wonderful cat “host”, discreet, but always watching me, just in case I need some round of cuddles and he was offering it generously. In general he was not very talkative, but he has unusual pleasant voice and it was always my pleasure to hear him purring and singing /chirping. Hugo is beautiful, full of love, affection and kindness. He was a good company and it was very easy to take care of him. Thank you to Sarah for the trust she placed in me and for an opportunity to meet her Hugo.

Logement de Sarah W.

Oslo, Norway

1 Katze

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