Noel l.

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia


Über Noel l.


Noel Lockyer-Stevens and Clare McDermott
I am a 57 year old professional health services manager and also an interfaith minister. In recent years I have worked as a volunteer in Nepal, before returning to Perth, Western Australia. My passions include rock climbing and hiking. I love cats (am currently missing having one of my own!) and would really enjoy caring for any pets you may have.

I’m a 46 year old postgraduate medical researcher, and have just finished my PhD at the University of Southampton in England. I love pets, the countryside, creative writing, long walks and new adventures.

Now that Clare has finished her PhD, we are having time out to travel, enjoy exploring new places and do some writing.

We both have previous experience of home sitting and can provide excellent references and police checks. We are both homeowners ourselves, with a tidy and methodical approach to caring for our own, and other people’s homes. We are both non-smokers. Clare is keen on gardening, and would be very happy to look after your plants, mow lawns etc. We are both fit and well, kind and considerate of others and would enjoy looking after any dogs or cats you may have (other pets also considered!).

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Clare McDermott, Medical Researcher, Ehepartner / Partner

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Aix-en-Provence, France - Januar 2017

Tres chouette couple , tres apprecies par mes chats aussi ! Sejour de 10jours finalement , qui s'est deroulé de façon tres conviviale ! Maison nickel au retour ..plantes entretenues . A recommander

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