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Gyöngyös, Hungary

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Rita

52 Jahre alt | Insurance broker

Hi My name is Rita, I am 50, I am an insurance broker now, formerly I worked as Internal Auditor and Compliance Officer at more Financial Institute, Banks,Insurance Company.
I have a common cat with my mom, in the neighbooring flat. She visits me daily at least 2 times as a “landlord”?, I am definitely sure she thinks that my flat is her flat?
I love traveling all around the world, sometimes I organize trips to my friends as well.
I speak English, I learned Spanish, German long time ago, now I am refreshing the German with Duolingo and I would like to practice it.
And I started to learn Türkish one 1 ago as I love traveling in Türkiye.
I like trekking and I love the Street Art, I made a project in my hometown and I am working on the next one.
I am open minded, nice, calm women, who is interested in local people on her journeys, I am interested in different cultures. I do not like noisy activities. I love cats.

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