Susan j.

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Oakland, California, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Susan j.

61 Jahre alt | environmental health scientist/public health

Susan is a 60 yr old retired public health & environmental health scientist. I am a consultant for helping those with chronic illnesses by eliminating and substituting least toxic options and exposures. I am a competitive tennis player in my retirement and have won the USTA national champtionship for doubles play for 40+ yrs women at the 4.0 level in 2022 along with my team, the first to do so in the East Bay.

I am very health conscious and use only least toxic products in my home, minimal scents and essential oils if at all. We have ethernet cables throughout the home for those who prefer not to use wifi, but also have the option to turn on wifi.

Jeremy is an avid cyclist and we have 2 stationary bikes upstairs indoors as well as one downstairs out on the deck of the guest room underneath a roof that also overlooks the canyon and views.

I love dogs, have a large collection of world music including latin and Flamenco from around the world that guests are welcome to, as well as the grand piano. You are welcome to use the propane fireplace in the living room also.

The home is super clean and I wash the 3 dogs' feet after each walk in a water bucket. The house is cleaned professionally weekly for 5 hours including the decks.

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Alameda County, United States

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