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Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Angharad

44 Jahre alt | photographer

We are a couple who love animals, traveling and gardening. We have a big house outside(20min away) from Bcn city in the middle of a natural park it is such a beautiful enviroment. We will love to meet new people, pets, and places, to breath and enjoy with others, to open our house to travelers, to exchange our property, and to give new looks, opportunities and experiencies to our two little amazing humans: Atlas & Skye, a boy and a girl who both loves and enjoy being around animals, respect them and taking care of them. Our beloved dog, Nya, passed away last june, at 14yo, a loving rescued dog, we have hens, frogs, fishes and lots of plants & flowers at home.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
sergio, 51 Jahre alt, environmental advisor, Ehepartner / Partner
Atlas, 5 Jahre alt, Kind
Skye, 4 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft

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Logement de Angharad

Barcelona, Spain

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