Sabrina e.

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Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany


Über Sabrina e.

36 Jahre alt | animal protection

Hi there! I‘d like to spend more time in my former home town Berlin and therefore are happy to housesit your home - especially happy to take care of animals as cats (or fish or rodents), too. I am living with my husband and two cats in southern Germany. If you have plants, I‘ll be happy to look after them too - am a plant mum as well :D
Happy to hear from you!

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Matt b.

Berlin, Germany - März 2023

I'm so happy that I had Sabrina as my cat sitter for a month while I was away! She was very attentive to everything that needed to be done, and I knew I could trust her completely in my place with my cats. The place was clean and tidy, the cats were cozy and cuddly with her, and she always kept me informed if anything was needed. Besides the absolute professionalism she had as a catsitter, she is also a wonderful person who has travelled a lot around the world and wants to help it where she can. I would love to have her back as a catsitter anytime!

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