Kelly s.

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Austin, Texas, United States


Über Kelly s.


Hi, we're a family of four who love traveling to Germany, Spain, France, Central and South America. We have completed several home exchanges in the U.S., Ecuador and Germany. We also have been pet-sitting locally in Austin and have travelled to Switzerland and Colorado in the past year to dog sit. We loved it!

Our girls are old enough to take along, and they're trustworthy with pets. Kiersten has her own pet sitting jobs in the neighborhood. We also have 7 hens at home, but no furry friends since we travel most of the summers. I grew up with dogs, cats, rabbits and horses, so I feel comfortable with all of those.

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Jeremy, Engineer - IBM, Ehepartner / Partner
Kiersten, Kind
Leah, Kind

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Rita l.

Ojochal, Costa Rica - September 2019

Kelly and her daughters were absolutely amazing house sitters! My house was as if I had never left it! My animals were so happy; while we were away and when we returned! They took such great care of everything - garden, plants, critters and our home! This family is awesome! I highly recommend them!

Susan j.

Duxbury, United States - August 2018

Kelly and her family are absolutely delightful! They were the ideal house-sitters: the girls, Leah and Kiersten, were eager to take care of the large animal duties and did a great job, and Kelly even agreed to help potty-train a last-minute addition to our dog family while we were away! They kept in frequent contact with updates on the animals, and left the house cleaner than they found it. I can't recommend them highly enough as house-sitters, and hope they are able to come back again.

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