Emilie m.

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Toulouse, Occitanie, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Emilie m.


Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Jean-marc D.

Brisbane, Australia - September 2016

Nous avons gardé pendant deux semaines l'appartement et la petite chatte d'Emilie et Robin. Tout s'est passé très simplement et au mieux. Ils nous ont donné plein d'informations sur Toulouse, leur quartier, la vie locale (que nous recommandons beaucoup !). Il s'agit d'un appartement moderne et agréable, quasiment au coeur des vieux quartiers toulousains. La petite chatte Charlie est très amusante et elle nous a rapidement accepté sans problèmes. La communication et le timing étaient impeccables. Un jeune couple sympathique, sérieux et ouvert ! C'est toujours agréable de voir qu'une relation de confiance entre des personnes qui ne se connaissaient pas au préalable peut fonctionner au mieux !

Peter h.

Perth, Australia - Juli 2016

You will need to decide the best for you. Normally not surprised at the amount of love that home owners have for their pets (one of the main reasons they have house sitters look after them in their absence), Debra and I were hugely astounded how much Charlie the cat is an integral and important part of Emilie and Robin's lives. Partly due to the amount of time they spend with him in their busy professional schedules, partly due to how much time Charlie enjoys spending time being around people. However moreso as we have never seen a cat who chases a thrown ball and brings it back to drop at your feet ready for the next throw. Just imagining the level of training that took and the amount of enjoyment both animal and pet get from this is testament to both Emilie and Robin. Their central Toulouse apartment and small garden were a pleasure to care for and has everything that a sitter could want during a stay. Extremely secure, clean, airy and bright, the apartment is with 50m of the Garonne river near Pont Neuf giving easy access by foot to anywhere in Toulouse, not far from bus and subway stations. Neighbours are extremely friendly and all love Charlie. She is the building mascot, waiting in the main path access to the living quarters of the building to get a daily hello and pat from everyone. Which happens without exception. Emily and Robin were very accommodating by entertaining our clumsy attempts to speak French and we were very appreciative of their vast knowledge of the English language and willingliness to use it. Thanks guys. We would love to be invited to return and when the time opportunity to do so comes we will not hesitate. Just even to throw the ball to Charlie, again and again.

4-4 von insgesamt 14

Logement de Emilie m.

Occitanie, France

2 Katzen

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 18 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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