Jana & Joe

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Basel, Basel City, Switzerland

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Jana & Joe

44 Jahre alt | Fashion Designer | Als Paar/Duo

We're in love since 20 years! We both worked for my own company (www.royalblush.ch). I am a sustainable fashion designer and Joe worked as an Access database programmer. We are an engaged, conscientious, resourceful & down-to-earth couple, loving to travel in the company of furry friends!

We realized we worked to many years, too many hours and not enough taking time for the 'real' life. In April 2019 we embarked on our new adventure, traveling the world as full-time house sitters.

Slowing down the pace of life, while giving attention to the small things everyday has in store for us. Getting to know and care for all these different little furry and feathery personalities is the biggest joy for us and leaves the most lasting memories we ever could have imagined! It enables us to follow our passion of traveling, without missing out on the comfort of furry friends and a home, at the same time as giving you peace of mind to enjoy your travels.

We hope to safe-guard your pets with our loving company, taking care of your home & belongings as we would do for ours.

To date, we have experienced over 15 house- and pet sits around the world and having really enjoyed these opportunities very much! Besides sharing lots of cuddles and love, we handled every day hick-ups, like freeing the pets from ticks, cleaning & tending a fighting wound, controlling the pool filtering system, detecting and arranging the fixing for a defective watering system (and watering the garden in the meantime), securing the loose fixings of a satellite dish on the roof after a storm, planting herbs, finding a lost cat from the rainforest (after several days search!) and fixing many broken vacuumers... By now Joe is a Dyson Expert :-)

Here you can see our reviews: https://www.trustedhousesitters.com/house-and-pet-sitters/switzerland/basel-city/basel/l/699036/

Mit Google übersetzen

Meine Reisebegleiter
Joseph, 53 Jahre alt, IT-Programmer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Spanisch | Deutsch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Pattaya City, Thailand - August 2023

Dank Jana und Joe, konnten wir nach 4Jahren wieder einmal Urlaub in unserer Heimat machen ! Wir hatten schon Kontakt mit ihnen, bevor wir abreisten und waren uns ganz sicher, das sind genau die Richtigen ! Sie kamen schon 3 Tage vorher bei uns an, so konnten wir ihnen alles Wichtige erklären. Schließlich mussten die Beiden uns 6 Wochen vertreten, sicher nicht so einfach ! Jana und Joe meisterten alles mit „links“. Wir waren dank what’sapp immer auf dem laufenden, als wären wir selbst vor Ort. Unsere Katze Simba hat sich sehr wohl gefühlt und die Streicheleinheiten genossen ! Eigentlich hat sie Angst vor Fremden, aber die Zwei, hat sie sofort akzeptiert, was natürlich für uns sehr beruhigend war ! Als wir dann nach 6 Wochen wieder bei uns Zuhause angekommen sind, war das Haus Blitzblank und Simba wohlauf ! Wir können Jana und Joe wärmstens empfehlen ! Und sagen auf diesem Weg noch einmal , herzlichen Dank für Alles !

Alessandra C.

Turin, Italy - Juni 2023

This was my very first experience in house and pet sitter, and really, it couldn’t be better. Joe and Jana are extremely fair people, loving cats and caring about the house. They lived in the house treating it with care, even fixing some things that didn’t work. They took great care of the cats and left me with a very detailed analysis of their behavior, in order to help me find solutions to live better with my kittens. Thanks to them, I will be much more serene in facing another long trip. Joe and Jana are discreet people, but at the same time very attentive and can deal with and solve any situation that may arise. I highly recommend to all those who need it, to welcome them in their own home hoping that they have the luck that they are free for the dates they want!

Gudrun M.

Ettlingen, Germany - Juni 2023

Jana and Joe are great house-sitters! As our first house sitting experience, it couldn't have been better. Both of them looked after our home as if it was their own, very carefully, thoroughly and attentively. They were also very respectful of our space and belongings. They cared for our garden and were very affectionate with our cat Lilly. Jana and Joe made it easy for us from the start to trust them and leave our home, cat and garden to them. The communication and logistical arrangements with them were handled very smoothly and they also maintained good contact during our trip. When we returned we were warmly welcomed and found our apartment absolutely spic and span. We were even spoiled with a homemade bread for breakfast and a special Costa Rican meal for lunch - crowned by a delicious vegan dessert. In the time we spent together before we left and after we returned, we got to know Jana and Joe closely and found them very open, likeable, reliable people, with a wide range of interests. Too bad we couldn't spend more time together! We wish we could meet again, whether as house sitters or on any other occasion! We absolutely recommend Jana and Joe as house sitters! You will find that they are great housesitters, but at the same time, you will also get to know two very interesting, wonderful people.

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