The Write Sitter

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Jérusalem, District de Jérusalem, Israel

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über The Write Sitter

59 Jahre alt | Semi-retired writer | Allein

Australian writer and experienced House Sitter.

Non smoking, sober living, mature, friendly & happy. I'm a keen daily walker. I enjoy the garden and outdoors. I have a strong affinity with all creatures great & small.

Although I am fairly new on this site I have completed many successful house sits in my own nation of Australia, as well as Jerusalem (Israel), Scotland, England, Mauritius & the Island of Reunion. I am a long time member on another well known house sitter site, where I have many excellent reviews from happy house & pet owners. Please message me and I will share this link with you. Also, please don't hesitate to request verifiable references.

I am in Israel from 20th September until 18th December 2023. New York from 20th December 2023 until mid March 2024.

Happy travels!

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Andrew W.

Andes, United States - März 2024

Simon was a dream come true house & cat sitter! Our home is located in a very rural (to say the least!) area up in the mountains. A three mile dirt road driveway and no neighbors for miles around. Simon rose to the challenge and took loving care of our cat, Sonny, and our house for 3 months - through winter snowstorms, occasional blackouts and having to drive 30 minutes to the nearest grocery store. He was always available to keep us updated on Sonny's well being via text and video through WhatsApp. After arriving home, we found the house clean, food in the refrigerator and even a gift of a bottle of wine and candies! Yes, he really is the RIGHT Sitter!

Pascale m.

Arrondissement of Saint-Benoît, Reunion - Juli 2023

Simon est un home-sitter très très sympathique et très attentionnés auprès des animaux. Il s'en occupe très bien et donne très fréquemment des nouvelles, photos à l'appui. J'ai retrouvé ma maison rangée et propre. Je le recommande absolument.

Laurence B.

Rivière Noire, Mauritius - Mai 2023

Simon est le parfait "home sitter": très sympathique, arrangeant, facile à vivre, il a a eu un très bon contact avec mes animaux et a pris bien soin d'eux et de ma maison. Il a même accepté de venir plus tôt que prévu, après un exprience cauchemardesque d'une personne inscrite sur Nomador (mais qui n'a pas voulu validé son séjour sur le site) et qui est partie sans crier gare en laissant les animaux tous seuls et après avoir endommagé ma voiture et cassé plusieurs objets dans la maison. Heureusement je suis tombée sur la bonne personne avec Simon, et je le recommande chaleureusement, d'ailleurs j'espère que son agenda lui permettra de revenir prochainement pour s'occuper de nouveau de ma maison et de mes animaux chéris! Simon is the perfect "home sitter": very friendly, accommodating, easy-going, he had a very good contact with my animals and took good care of them and my home. He even agreed to come earlier than expected, after a nightmarish experience of a person registered on Nomador (but who did not want to validate his stay on the site) and who left without warning, leaving the animals alone and after damaging my car and breaking several objects in the house. Luckily I came across the right person with Simon, and I warmly recommend him, moreover I hope that his schedule will allow him to come back soon to take care again of my house and my dear animals!

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