Carolyn h.

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Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand


Über Carolyn h.

63 Jahre alt | Self employed - administrator

We are an active non-smoking couple looking for opportunities to care for your loved pets and homes. Chris has been self-employed for the past 7 years, and in 2018/19 we took a year off to travel to Spain in particular, housesitting in various locations. To date, we have cared for 14 homes and over 30 cats and dogs (and a few fish and chickens too). We are now looking for housesits closer to our home in New Zealand, preferably Australia, NZ or the Pacific Islands, as Chris can still work remotely, but being closer geographically and in time zones will make life easier
We enjoy cycling, skiing, and walking. We were involved in our local church in NZ and also worked at fostering a sense of community in our residential street.
I can provide 5-star references from our previous sits, as well as character references if required. We are contactable via FaceTime or Whatsapp if you would like to make further contact.

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Chris, Consultant, Ehepartner / Partner

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April 2018

Chris and Carolyn are a really lovely couple friendly and outgoing, our dogs loved them, the house garden and dogs received total care and attention and regular contact with updates on the dogs was brilliant. They will be welcome anytime as guests or house sitters.

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