Jane m.

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Whangarei, Northland, New Zealand

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Jane m.

54 Jahre alt | Editor & writer

Ciao! I'm a Kiwi who has lived in several lands. I'm 51, responsible and sensible, quiet, and I love creatures of all kinds -- whether they have four legs, two legs, or none!
I'm an independent editor and writer, which gives me the flexibility to live out my greatest pleasure -- exploring new places. I’m also an avid mountain goer and in Sept 2021 completed my first mountain race – 32km and 2100m of elevation gain!
I have cared for many animals in many homes in New Zealand, the US and the UK. I grew up in rural Northland, New Zealand, and have looked after farm animals as well as house pets, but I have to confess that cats are my greatest love :)
I am both practical and pragmatic, able to keep my head and deal competently with any situation that arises.
As well as looking after the house and animals, I am happy to care for house plants and water the garden, mow the lawn, do whatever needs to be done (although gardening is not my thing). You will return to a tidy and clean house and happy animals.
I speak English, German, Italian, and a few words of Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian. I can provide letters of recommendation.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft



Sheffield, United Kingdom - Februar 2018

Jane was great, she kept us informed and also sent photos Jane left our house clean and tidy, even the dog looked Clean and had a lovely shine to her coat. We can not recomend Jane enuff and would certainly have her back. We are hoping To meet up again

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