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Nîmes, Occitanie, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten


65 Jahre alt | Retraitée | Allein

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Französisch | Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Herzlicher Gastgeber
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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Dalila f.

Naples, Italy - Mai 2023

Treat yourself and go meet Txiki in sunny Nîmes! 
I am truly grateful to have spent more than a month in her company. I've grown really attached to her and I like to think it was mutual. She is trusting towards new people and very calm and even though she missed her human she let me soothe the waiting. A fluffy sleepyhead always up for cuddles, I'll miss her sleeping on my chest. An expert foodie when it comes to fresh catnip. A little explorer of local springs: her 18 years won't stop her from a nice refreshing drink from the bathtub from which she will come out with a proud and agile hop not to be missed. She can be very communicative, in a silent way, so you won't have troubles understand her needs. It was a pleasure to meet Odile. Her welcome was really warm, she picked me up by car from the bus station, gave me a tour of the neighbourhood, left some things in the pantry for me to draw from and even spoiled me with some strawberries and beautiful lil gifts. Communication while she was away went smoothly and she was responsive any time I needed her advices. I got to spend some time with her before my departure and it was lovely to hear about her amazing trip and to get to know each other more. A kind-hearted person. I found her apartment very clean and tidy. The central location allowed me to walk anywhere I wanted. Easy access to the train and bus station if you want to explore the region. It's cozy, easy to take care of, with a beautiful view on a Neo-gothic church and with lots of natural lighting. super super recommended

Logement de ODILE B.

Occitanie, France

1 Katze

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