Natalie T.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Natalie T.

26 Jahre alt | Student | Allein

If you would like to see my reviews from past dogsits, here is my profile on the platform Rover (it is in German but google normally translates it for you):

Hello everyone! :)
my name is Natalie, I am 25 years old and I was born and raised in Germany, where I also still live. Though my family is not German, my roots are Ukrainian and I am very passionate about our culture and food and most happy to share with everyone interested. At the moment I am doing my masters in psychology in the beautiful city of Leipzig. In my free time I actually work as a dogsitter and the beautiful dog you see on my profile picture is my regular dogsitting dog that I take care of twice a week and love dearly! But if you think, that I am just a dog person - you are absolutely wrong. I am neither dog- nor cat person, I enjoy every moment I get to spend with pets and animals of all kind. I grew up with both dogs and cats and also bunnies :)

Back in 2017 I travelled through the US and had my first ever dogsitting experience abroad. I absolutely loved the idea of taking care of peoples pets and instead of just getting money for it, being able to live in and take care of their homes and feel like a local. And last year I had my first Nomador Housesitting experience and looked after two wonderful cats - so now I want to do that more often!
I am looking forward to meeting you and your furry friend:)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Russisch | Deutsch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Michael p.

Le Rouret, France - Juni 2024

Natalie and Julia were amazing housesitters we can recommend fully. From the moment we connected, they were full of energy and enthusiasm, and we had an easygoing way of communicating. The dogs absolutely adored both and it was clear they had received a lot of attention and lots of love during our absence. Updates were regular and casual with pictures and stories being shared. The house and all the other animals were super-well cared for. We loved having Natalie and Julia over and hope to have them back again soon!

Lucie G.

Meudon, France - April 2024

Quelle excellente rencontre! Natalie est en tout point ce que je cherchais en venant sur ce site. Elle a tout de suite eu toute ma confiance en se montrant investie dans ce projet, joyeuse, straight forward et souriante. La communication a été hyper simple avant et pendant son séjour. Évidemment, elle a pris soin de notre chatte Marcoune et de mes semis comme je lui avais demandé mais elle a laissé la maison en super état. Come back whenever you want!

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