Joette T.

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Bordeaux, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Joette T.

70 Jahre alt | Graphic Design, Artist, Creative | Allein

I'm new to Nomador but not to cat-sitting. I've had the privilege of living with cats most of my adult life and have gleaned much "cat wisdom". I've been a house/plant/cat sitter for friends and aquaintences for many years. Kitten, adult, timid, special needs -- I will do my best for your beloved companion.

I love all animals, but have a special bond with cats, and only take sits for cats.

My sweet cat of 12 years transitioned a few years ago and I have not been ready to adopt, so caring for other people's cats has been a lovely way to enjoy needed "cat time".

If you choose me to care for your cat, I will spend quality time with them. I'm not someone who will fill their bowl and leave until night. Even though I like to explore, I'm also a home-body, plus I work remotely, and prefer working at home instead of coffee shops. Meaning, your cat(s) will have as much company, love and play time as they would desire.

I am an artist and semi-retired graphic designer. Vegan, nonsmoker, quiet, very respectful and won't wear outdoor shoes in your home. I'm passionate about creating, cooking and sharing food and conversation with others. I love meeting new people and exchanging thoughts and ideas, hopes and dreams.

Je parle très peu le français. Je suis en train d'apprendre mais not well enough to click French in the language box! :-)

You can get more of a sense of me by visiting my websites:
I recently had to redo my site and if you look at it on a mobile device, please turn your device horizontal, then my site will work just fine. :-)
And my instagram page has painterly works:

I'm relatively new to Nomador so I've put together a few references from clients not on Nomador, here:
If you need assurance, I am sure any of my past sits from other platforms would be willing to speak with you.

You can be sure, I will treat your cat and home as if it were my own.

Thank you for considering me. I look forward to hearing from you! :-)

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Paul B.

Lyon, France - August 2024

Joette est venu garder notre petit chat Toupie pendant 3 semaines de suite durant l été. Nous avons eu des nouvelles quotidiennement, elle c’est très bien occupé de notre chat en la faisant jouer tous les jours. Nous avons même eu le droit à des fleurs à notre retour ! Je recommande ++ Merci et à bientôt Élise Paul Toupie

Anaïs E.

Le Bouscat, France - Januar 2024

It’s been great to have Joette home for the past two weeks. She took good care of our home and cat. Joette is a sweet home-sitter and friendly person who pays attention to every details. Thank you Joette, Belaia looks forward to seeing you again !

Pascal z.

Les Lilas, France - August 2023

Joette a gardé Mina pendant un mois en prenant soin d'elle, de la maison et des plantes revenu serein et content

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