Jackie S.

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Yverdon-les-Bains, Vaud, Switzerland

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Jackie S.

55 Jahre alt | Ex-pat empty-nester and wife. Previously worked at DSWT in Kenya, a charity which rescues orphan elephants, and as a chartered surveyor in UK | Als Paar/Duo

We are a couple in our mid-fifties who love animals and the outdoors.
We've lived in the wilds of Kenya for the last 15 years and are capable of dealing with most problems that might arise! We moved to Switzerland in June 2023 and are working on improving our french language skills whilst we get to know the country.
We have extensive experience caring for animals, having always had our own dogs and cats, and over the years, snakes, rabbits, gerbils, chinchilla, baby squirrels and a budgerigar. We've also cared for dogs, chickens, alpacas, goats and sheep for our family when they've been on holiday and cared for dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, geese and chickens on other pet-sits.
While we lived in Kenya I volunteered with Riding for the Disabled and the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (working with baby elephants which was one of the highlights of my life!) My husband, Jonathan, works 1-2 days per week in Yverdon-les-Bains, and the rest of the time he works from home or travels overseas.
We are looking for a home in Switzerland but want to get to know the region better before we decide where to live permanently. Having a nice place to stay and animals to care for is a great way for us to get to know the area and the country.
Our 3 kids are all grown up so it is just the two of us and our dog, Mungo. Mungo is a rescue dog from Kenya that resembles a labrador. We have had him since he was a puppy and he is now
11, but still fit and active. He's very relaxed around other animals and is used to cats as we had 2 cats when we lived in Kenya. Jonathan and I love animals and are happy to look after plants and gardens too. Being in Switzerland and pet-sitting in different locations is giving us the opportunity to get to know the country and people before we chose a place to live permanently.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jonathan, 56 Jahre alt, Regional Director of Netguardians, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


anne k.

Bourg-en-Lavaux, Switzerland - Oktober 2023

beaucoup d'attention aux animaux, parfaite maintenance et soins très adéquats. gentillesse de ce couple très responsable, plaisir de la rencontre et grand soin de la maison et du jardin. bravo!

Christel R.

Villaz, Switzerland - September 2023

Jacky et Jon sont 2 personnes formidables, chaleureuses et d'une grande confiance. Ils sont restés 2 semaines dans ma maison pendant que j'étais en vacances. Ils se sont merveilleusement bien occupé de mon chien Shilo. J'ai apprécié recevoir régulièrement des nouvelles et des photos. Ils allaient tous les jours faire une grande promenade à la forêt près de chez moi, mais également d'autres promenades un peu plus loin pour découvrir la région. A mon retour, Shilo était décontracté et heureux, il a eu lui aussi de belle vacances avec Jacky et Jon. La maison était impeccable, bien rangée et propre. Ils en ont fait plus que ce que j'en attendais. Je suis ravie de les avoir rencontrés sur Nomador et je les recommande sans hésitation pour vos home sitting.

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