Julie G.

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Victoria, Australia


Über Julie G.

61 Jahre alt | Aged care | Als Paar/Duo

Hi Julie and Michael,
Having raised three lovely boys 30,27&24 all now living in the own places we decided on a European adventure.
We are now one month into our three month celebration vacation in Europe and decided motels are not for us and we prefer a more homely environment getting into the local community and culture will gives more of an understanding and experiences of our time away.
We are no stranger to caring for and looking after pets and treat them like part of the family having had several dogs one Molly a jack Russell living to twenty years and now Barney a bull terrier cattle dog cross whom we took in as a rescue dog and is currently with our youngest son.
We also understand the importance of maintaining a home as we have lived in our own home for over thirty years and we would treat your premises respect as if they were our own.
We are very social people and believe we would be most suitable for your house and pet sitting.
Please feel free to call myself or Michael or email if you prefer. We are ready immediately and look forward to hearing from you.
Regards Julie & Michael

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Michael, 59 Jahre alt, Retail manager, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Luc D.

Mula, Spain - Mai 2023

Ça a été un plaisir d'avoir eu Julie et son mari Michael chez nous pendant notre voyage. Ils se sont parfaitement occupés de nos deux chat et nous ont laissé la maison "nickel". Ce n'est pas facile de trouver des pet sitters aussi responsable, propres et sympathiques. Nous serions heureux de les revoir à nouveau chez nous.

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