Lone L.

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Helsingør, Denmark


Über Lone L.

63 Jahre alt | Retired (executive assistant) | Allein

I am a single woman (1960) retired .. earlier Executive assistant/secretary.
I have 2 adult children snd 5 grand kids. I have been travelling the world for many years on organized tours as well as independantly backpacker the last 20 years. Now it's time for new ways of exploring and broadening my horizons.
I love animals... and they love me. So I feel that now I should contribute to the well-being of cats, dogs etc when their owners go away for a while.
I am quiet, calm, positive .. non-smoker. I live in a clean and tidy aptm with small garden.

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Paula C.

Valencia, Spain - August 2023

It's been an absolute pleasure have Lone at my house. The house was super clean, the plants looked gorgeous and my cats were extremely relaxed and happy. She also left me in the fridge the greatest danish chocolates 🤤. I would recommend Lone with my eyes closed :)

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