Michèle M.

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Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie, Pays de la Loire, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Michèle M.

66 Jahre alt | retraitée | Als Paar/Duo

Nous sommes en couple depuis bien longtemps et partageons le même goût du voyage, des animaux, de l'écologie, de la citoyenneté. Nous sommes engagés pour le respect du vivant, prônons une forme de sobriété et serons heureux de nous occuper de vos compagnons de vie, chats, chiens, chevaux.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Janpol, 0 Jahre alt, Retraite, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Französisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich
Herzlicher Gastgeber

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Solveig L.

Düsseldorf, Germany - November 2024

Michele and Jean Paul are very welcoming and hospitable hosts. They provided everything necessary for a pleasant stay. Very good written notices about their cats and house are prepared and could be consulted in case of need. Their house with the big terrace and the pleasant garden is comfortable and tastefully decorated. It has a perfect location by being just centre of city and sea side and anyway so incredible peaceful. Michele and Jean Paul have very good local social connections, what gives feeling not be isolated, because you can find help if it will be necessary or merely an opportunity for a chat, if you will wish it. Susanne and Lilli are very sweet, well-behaved and easy to live with. Susanne(due to being older and wiser) is a real Mistress of the house and knows what she wants and how to make it clear not only to human beings, but also to Lili, who has to obey her rules☺️. The long years of life haven’t let any marks of age on her appearance(beautiful fur and eyes, sweet face)or on her playfulness(despite the age difference she managed easily to chase Lili and she could beautifully play just alone). She is always near and ready for cuddling, being massaged or brushed. Lili has just a bit different approach, he needs his rounds of cuddles, but to the times when it suits him best and he is a very good in the rubbing the legs☺️. He loves his independence and spending the time outside, but comes back regularly and on some days are very homely. Thank you for your hospitality and kindness, dear Michele and Jean Paul. P.S.Due to the restriction of choosing only three badges, I skipped the badges:animals/cat/dog lover. Unfortunately Nomador has till now did not fix the problems with badges(it not always appears on the profiles, what we choose). But even, if it is evidently, that the owners of animals love animals, or why should they invest their affection, care and money in the adoption of animals, I wanted anyway to emphasise that Michele and Jean Paul not only love their own cats Susanne and Lili, but have a big affection and respect to all animals(even to 🐌 in their garden which Jean Paul treats with respect ☺️)and many animals were always part of their family during their life.

Grazia m.

Ravenna, Italy - Oktober 2023

I've had the pleasure of being the first sitter at Michèle and Jean Paul's house, spending five pleasant weeks in their cozy house. It's in a very quiet and peaceful central street, no traffic or noise, it has a good atmosphere and there is also a small garden where picking fresh vegetable; this location is perfect for visiting far and wide the Vendéenne coast. The cats are easy to care for: Suzanne is sociable and cuddly, a real sweetheart, we became close friends since the first moment, Lily is not the kind of cat who loves to sit on your lap or be carried, but he does love to have someone around. I met Michèle and Jean Paul when they return home, we had a nice talk eating a traditional galette bretonne; they were friendly from the beginning and welcoming, they prepared a full house handbook, always in touch via Whatsapp; on my arrival their daughter introduced me to their house and I really have to say It's indeed a beautiful family. I truly enjoyed my time here and I strongly recommend this sitting.

Logement de Michèle M.

Vendée, France

2 Katzen

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