Anna T.

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Kyiv, Kyiv city, Ukraine

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Anna T.

26 Jahre alt | Photographer | Als Paar/Duo

I’m Anna, 26 years old, and Oleh is 29.
We are a couple of travel photographers from Ukraine that went for the adventure and never really came back home.
When the full-scale invasion started we’ve been in Mexico and since then we have been backpacking worldwide mixing it up with living in the cities in Europe and Canada.
We are very outdoorsy and love to spend time hiking, running, playing sports games or having fun playing with pets in the yard or park.
We are very neat and minimalistic. We support environmentalism and are doing our best to make conscious choices (let’s not count our many flights, that is definitely not the one).
We don’t smoke and rarely drink.
We both have a lot of experience with taking care of animals.
Oleh grew up in the rural house with cats, dogs and rabbits.
Anna was a professional pet-sitter and dog-walker (they even made me to finish the animal behaviour mini-course and pass an exam).
We love animals and if it weren’t for our job and many travels we would love to have a dog and a cat.
But we have this great opportunity to connect with so many amazing pets through Nomador!
We understand how important it is to feel safe and to feel that someone has your back while you are away with your adventures. That’s why we will always do our best to keep you informed, to send you pics of your beloved furry babies so you won’t miss them that much and to take care of both the house and the pets.

Have safe travels and all the best!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Oleh, 29 Jahre alt, Photographer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Bereits gebuchte Zeiträume

  • Vom 27/08/2024 bis zum 22/09/2024

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Colleen J.

Calgary, Canada - Mai 2024

Anna and Oleh house sat for us for just over 3 weeks. They did a fantastic job of caring for our dog and cat. They were very good about keeping us informed. They did a spring clean-up of our garden which was much appreciated. We have no hesitation in recommending them.

Bastian W.

Nürnberg, Germany - Januar 2024

Anna and Oleh were our lucky choice. We had never done house sitting before and didn't know what we were getting into. But from the very first contact with Anna & Oleh we had a very good feeling. During our vacation they took excellent care of our cat and kept sending us photos of her. They also took great care of our cat when she got injured. We would welcome Anna & Oleh back right away and entrust them with our house and cat.

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