Théa P.

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São João, Açores, Portugal

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Théa P.

33 Jahre alt | Gestionnaire chambres d'hôtes

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Französisch | Englisch | Portugiesisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Daria r.

Hamburg, Germany - Januar 2024

We had the honor of being the first house sitters for Thea, Adrien and Naia and had a wonderful and relaxing time on Pico Island. The little family was very friendly to us. Thea picked us up from the airport and told us everything we needed to know about the island and possible excursion destinations. Adrian is an artistically talented and innovative person. Both are fascinated by Sealife and lent us binoculars so that we could look for whales and dolphins directly from the terrace. The view of the sea and Mount Pico over a morning tea or coffee is magnificent. We were allowed to live in a beautiful and cosy apartment, which is usually rented out to vacation guests. The neighbors, like all the other residents on the island, are very friendly and love children. We received a lot of fruits like bananas and mandarines from them. Moustache is a cuddly and playful young cat. Kitkat is a wilder cat and tends to do her own thing. We also took care of 2 rabbits, 2 chickens and fish on the property. We were also allowed to take care of turkeys, rooster and chicken, as well as geese, which have their own green kingdom a few minutes away. Finally, we made sure that the fantastic plant-aquaculture system was running smoothly and kept the property beautiful by removing weeds and pruning flowers. It sounds like a lot, but it's not a huge amount of work, it's more fun. Our son was really looking forward to the feeding walk and a fresh egg every morning. Pico is a mystical volcanic island that is definitely worth a visit and is not very touristy. It was a great feeling to be in the middle of the Atlantic, even if the sun didn't show up much at this time of year in winter. If you want to experience a quiet time with special moments, this is the place for you. For example, we were lucky enough to see blue whales, sperm whales and dolphins on whale watching tours. Thanks to the three of you for your hospitality and this great family time !

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