Anne H.

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Santo Stefano Belbo, Piedmont, Italy

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Anne H.

64 Jahre alt | Retired | Allein

Ciao! I am Anne. In my early sixties. I am a responsible, reliable and trustworthy housesitter and I love animals. Having lived and worked in many countries, I have now retired to live in Italy (Piemonte). I am Scottish and worked for IBM in Scotland and London for twenty years before moving to Turkey, where I bought a property and converted it to four holiday apartments. I lived in Turkey for 15 years. Then I sold up and moved to Spain and then France where I worked as a housekeeper. This was a job I really enjoyed. So when I was offered the same, I went to Switzerland, where I spent lockdown working for a lovely family.

Since retiring, I find myself at a bit at of a loose end sometimes. Italy is fantastic but it is very cold in the winter. I have two elderly, calm and well behaved dogs who will accompany me on the house sit. Most of my cats have passed on now.

I am a lover of Nature and all animals. An independent woman of independent means, looking for small adventures. I am honest, reliable and kind. As my references will attest to. Please feel free to contact me if you think I can help.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Éric m.

Nîmes, France - November 2023

Anne comprend et parle facilement le français, ce qui a permis une bonne communication. Anne s'est particulièrement bien occupée des chiennes et de la maison. À recommander sans hésiter.

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