Maurice D.

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Le Puy-Notre-Dame, Pays de la Loire, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Maurice D.

59 Jahre alt | real estate investments

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Grace-Yvette G.

Berlin, Germany - Juli 2024

We had SUCH a lovely stay at the home of Maurice and Chris. The four cats are cuddly, silly charmers and will win your heart instantly. (We think about them all the time and miss them bonkers!) The home is tastefully appointed and well equipped with everything you need for a pleasant and comfortable stay. Aside from fabulous Chris and Mo and the adorable cats you’ll also have the bonus of a wonderful community of people (mostly expats who speak English—but also some very lovely French people who also are proficient in English) who live in villages nearby during your sojourn here. This is one of the absolute best aspects of this stay and something we hadn’t expected. Really the cherry on top of an already excellent experience. You’ll meet a bevy of fun, intelligent, interesting, well-travelled people who are close friends with Mo and Chris and who will certainly win you over, too. We can’t say enough good things about this stay. Everything pitch-perfect and one of our absolute top experiences on Nomador!

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