Marcela & LJ

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New South Wales, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Marcela & LJ

59 Jahre alt | Retired: Office Manager | Als Paar/Duo

We are Marcela and Leonard (LJ) Horwood.
We are a married couple from Sydney, Australia now travelling around Europe and UK in our little van.
We are self-funded retirees living as ‘Free Range Humans’.
We find house sitting a fun way to research areas, meet and make new friends which enrich our lives.
We are organized and very trustworthy. We enjoy a good laugh. We are a quiet, non-smoking couple who enjoy the simple things this world has to offer.
We are very considerate of the needs of the animals we are caring for and very respectful of the property we are sitting.
We are very reliable and take pride in fulfilling the owners requests and requirements expected in a house sitter.
Our lifestyle is flexible and we quickly adjust to new environments and situations.
We are focused on providing confidence so our hosts can relax and enjoy their time away from their pets and home.
We appreciate that pets may miss their family when they are gone, so we are loving, caring and patient in learning the personality of the pet/s we are caring for.
We believe “Pets always come first”.
We are willing to maintain contact with owners during the assignment, if that’s their wish.
We are very handy with house and yard maintenance.
Leonard’s had professions as a self-employed Mechanical Engineer, a Police officer in New South Wales, Australia and a Ranger dealing with Companion Animals in Australia.
Leonard has skills in owning a small hobby farm in New South Wales, Australia. During this time, he was involved in breeding various breeds of dogs and obtained experience with caring for cows, chickens, sheep and goats.
Marcela profession is in Sales and has skills in house renovation and decoration.
Marcela loves cats. She has experience raising new born kittens and caring for older cats.
We have been house sitting since 2015 and have experience with caring for cats and dogs. We love the affection they can give when properly cared for.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Leonard, 58 Jahre alt, Retired: Police officer, Ehepartner / Partner

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Castres, France - Februar 2024

Marcela et Léonard sont des home-sitters remarquables à qui on peut faire entièrement confiance. Ils se sont occupés avec beaucoup d'amour de notre petite chienne Lola et de nos trois chats et ont pris soin de notre maison que nous avons retrouvée comme nos l'avions laissée. Nous avons particulièrement apprécié l' envoi quotidien de photos de nos animaux pendant notre absence . Si l'opportunité se présente nous n'hésiterons pas à les solliciter à nouveau car nous avons été enchantés par leur présence dans notre maison et la qualité de leurs prestations. Nous les recommandons vivement sur le site.

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