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Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen
Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Francoise

Francoise hat sein Profil noch nicht vervollständigt

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Sandy v.

Edmonton, Canada - Juni 2024

We were delighted to be able to pet sit for Francoise again, looking after two very sweet cats, Matka and Voodoo. Their spacious apartment is very comfortable and has everything one needs to feel right at home. We had an excellent time visiting New York and managed to see several Broadway shows. Francoise and her husband are wonderful hosts and we do hope to see them again and again!

Sandy v.

Edmonton, Canada - Februar 2024

It was a pleasure to meet Francoise and her husband. They were very welcoming and gave us all the information we needed for a fantastic stay. Their wonderful apartment is very conveniently located near the subway and there is so much to see and do in the city! The cat was a delight, very friendly and calm. We had a great time.

Sandra s.

Montreal, Canada - Januar 2024

Françoise et son mari ont été très accueillants et très efficaces dans leurs recommandations. Nous avons pu prendre soin de Voodoo, un chat affectueux, curieux, et joueur, avec un caractère de petit chiot, un vrai plaisir d'être en sa compagnie. L'appartement de Françoise et son mari est parfaitement placé et on s'y sent rapidement comme chez soi, avec l'envie de bien s'occuper des plantes et de l'appartement lui-même. Un séjour très agréable.

Logement de Francoise

New York, United States

2 Katzen

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