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Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen


32 Jahre alt | IT/computers | Als Paar/Duo

we are couple residing in Serbia. Shortly after the war started in Feb'22, we've moved away from Russia and been travelling and living in Georgia & Turkey, and now Serbia.
We like traveling and discovering what the world is like (as we were never able to do that before - living literally in the middle of nowhere - in Siberia)
We like pets - especially cats (if you've been to Mediterranean Turkey & Istanbul - you know what I mean).
We are careful, responsible and tidy.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
POLINA, 32 Jahre alt, Pharmaceutical, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Russisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten
Lokaler Kulturführer

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Yael F.

Uccle, Belgium - August 2024

Artem and Polina are definitely great with cats (probably all animals) . They came the day before so we had the time to chat a bit prior to leaving the house in their hands. They have almost immediately succeeded in seeing our cats (which normally takes much more time) and playing with them. Very friendly couple. The communication was also very good, we were very relaxed during our time off. Thanks!

Sarah G.

Cavaillon, France - Juni 2024

Artem and Polina took care of my cat for the 2nd time and they were great one more time ! My cat feels safe with them and they leave the flat perectly clean and are very friendly !

Félicien C.

Nice, France - Februar 2024

Artem and Polina are really great cat sitters! They fell in love with our little Marcel and he loved them too! Super nice and easy to communicate with, clean and thoughtful, really a perfect couple.

Sarah G.

Cavaillon, France - Januar 2024

Artem and his girlfriend were great. We had a very good communication, they were very gentle with my cat and took great care of her. They sent me many news and pictures of the cat which was very reassuring. And they left the flat sooooo clean that was amazing. Thanks again for everything !

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