Mathilde p.

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Chartres, Centre-Val de Loire, France


Über Mathilde p.

Consultante en innovation

Nous sommes un couple marié, ensemble depuis 13 ans. Nous adorons les voyages et les rencontres. Nous venons de faire un tour du monde pendant deux ans. Antoine vient dz trouver un emploi sur Paris. Aussi nous sommes de retour à la capitale mais souhaiterions continuer à vivre des expériences sympathiques. Nous aimons les animaux domestiques et les plantes et souhaiterions devenir homesitters le temps de retrouver nos marques dans la capitale.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Antoine, Directeur Energies renouvelables, Ehepartner / Partner

Erhaltene Komplimente

Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Elizabeth o.

Paris, France - August 2016

Mathilde and Antoine are a delightful couple with whom we would have back to take care of our cat and house any day of the week! They are very serious and interesting people who took meticulous care of our home, and kept us consistently informed about their progress (quickly) gaining the affection of our kitty with photos, videos and messages. They took great pains to respect all of our directives. We were away for 25 days, and never once had a single concern or worry about how things were going at home, which is very unusual for me as I am quite particular about my home and can be rather demanding on the subject. The entire experience was 100%% positive. I really could not recommend Mathilde and Antoine as home and pet sitters more enthusiastically.

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