Melissa M.

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Waianae, Hawaii, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Melissa M.

43 Jahre alt | Professional | Allein

**Currently in NY**

Aloha. I've been living in Hawaii the last 8 years and have been connecting with nature. I'm originally from NYC so already have experience with concrete jungles too. I'm embarking on a "gap year" while attempting to find a 100% remote role, and would like to experience places to see how other people live across the world.

Throughout several years in Hawaii I was housesitting/performed a variety of pet care (also hiked for fun with dogs). In New York I used to help clients declutter their homes or provide childcare at their residence. Overall I've done a bunch of volunteer work on farms, beach cleanups, for the houseless community, as well as worked as a bartender and in athletic retail sales. I have a professional career history that includes account manager for a non-profit and recruiting new hires for a financial firm.

My goals are to create my own business one day, I love to try new hikes, and enjoy bucketlist travel. I've navigated road trips and international destinations on my own which teaches you a lot about yourself, and also enjoy the laughs and memories seeing new places with friends (and animals).

**Please note I have references/reviews from two other housesitting sites I'm on**

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