Abbey P.

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Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Abbey P.

29 Jahre alt | Freelance Copywriter | Allein


My name is Abbey, I'm a 28-year-old New Zealander who has been living in Dublin, Ireland since May 2023. I moved here on my own to do some solo travel, reconnect with my heritage, and find more confidence and peace within myself – all while meeting new people and having the opportunity to embrace new and different experiences, cultures, lifestyles, and of course, food!

I am a former journalist and marketing copywriter, but now work for myself as a freelance writer covering a whole myriad of topics across a variety of different platforms - from website content to articles, blogs, advertising, general communications writing, and everything in between! I love the flexibility my job offers me, it's really given me that time to focus on the things that are important to me. Plus! Getting to meet people from different walks of life and build lasting relationships with my clients is such a rewarding part of it all.

I am a very curious person, a deep thinker, and have a strong sense of empathy for people and animals. While I do like time to myself, I really thrive being around other people and sharing in conversation and experiences. My ideal housesitting experience would involve animals of any kind, I have a real connection to them and they bring me so much happiness! I have had pets of all kinds throughout my life, including a rabbit that my parents are taking care of in New Zealand while I am away. I am an incredibly clean and tidy person (possibly too much of one!) and am always willing to lend a helping hand where it's needed. As a self-employed person, I do however need the time to do my freelancing work – so a good internet connection is important.

If you've got this far, I can't wait to connect with you!

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Sandrine C.

Doudeville, France - August 2024

Abbey est un personne adorable et sérieuse, attentionnée avec les animaux. Elle a même réussi à adoucir notre lapine pourtant particulièrement caractérielle. La maison nous a été rendue en parfait état, et nous espérons revoir Abbey à l'avenir. En un mot : formidable!

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