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Leigh C.

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Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Leigh C.

54 Jahre alt | Accountant | Als Paar/Duo

Hi, we're Phil and Leigh. We are a professional couple in our mid-fifties with two adult children. We enjoy hiking, gardening, cooking and visiting new places.

We have been homeowners and cat owners for over 20 years. We've also owned fish and had experience looking after other small animals for people such as rabbits, guinea pigs and even orphaned lambs! We've therefore had to deal with a variety of matters involving houses and animals. Our most recent cat, Popeye, has now sadly passed away and although we'd love another cat we also want to do more travel. Pet sitting allows us to experience both.

Being house and pet owners ourselves we know the importance of having peace of mind that your house and pets are being well cared for while you are away. We are very conscientious and tidy people and will look after your home, garden and pets as if they were our own. Phil is a keen gardener and ran his own gardening business for a few years so is more than able to keep the outside of your home looking great. He's also pretty handy at DIY and performing any maintenance that may be needed. We are grateful that house sitting allows us to explore new places and meet new people and pets.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Phil, 56 Jahre alt, Real Estate Agent, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Aneta G.

Frankfurt, Germany - August 2024

Leigh and Phil were lovely to communicate with and took great care of the house and my 2 young cats, i was really happy having them there.

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