Fabienne L.

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Le Pallet, Pays de la Loire, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Fabienne L.

52 Jahre alt | Consultante en communication | Als Familie

Meine Reisebegleiter
Alix, 15 Jahre alt, Lycéenne, Kind
Marine, 13 Jahre alt, Collégienne, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Französisch | Englisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Leslie K.

Denver, United States - März 2024

Fabienne and her lovely family made us feel so welcome during our recent sit at her home in Le Pallet. From the moment we began communicating, she was incredibly informative about her house, her cats, guinea pig, and the area. I always felt in-the-loop. And as soon as we arrived at the house, she made us feel incredibly welcome, from providing us with a reheatable dinner to leaving us with some to maps and tourism booklets to get us started in our visit to the Nantes area. The cats, Uno and Uchi are SOOO adorable! At 7 months old, they're obviously still kittens and are so playful and affectionate. When they weren't playing with us or their little toys, they were racing to the bathroom to try to catch water droplets from the tap. The little guinea pig was so easy to take care of in his adorable outside habitat! In all, we had a fantastic time at this warm and charming home and truly enjoyed the experience.

Logement de Fabienne L.

Pays de la Loire, France

2 Katzen

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