Bálint S.

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Budapest, Hungary

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Bálint S.

20 Jahre alt | student, assistant | Allein

Hi! My name is Bálint, I am a university student from Hungary. I am on my Erasmus exchange semester in Nijmegen, NL. I originally study Political Science in Budapest. My family and I always had a lot of pets and I love spending time with them. I have previous experience caring for fish, hamsters, cats, parrots, a dog, a chameleon and even an Argentine giant tortoise, but I am also up for a new challenge! I also really like plants, my flat back home was full of them. Being away from home, I miss our pets, so I view house sitting as an opportunity to spend time with and care for animals as well as a chance to see a new country.

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Katrin H.

Schellenberg, Liechtenstein - April 2024

Balint is a very friendly and intelligent young man. He took care of our three cats and house, and made sure to water our plants (a ton of seedlings for our garden) over a long weekend. Balint even made some pancakes for us when we came back from our trip. How nice! We felt our cats, house, and plants were in good hands. We can recommend Balint as a trustworthy house and cat sitter who appreciates nature and different cultures.

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