Kendra B.

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Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Kendra B.

38 Jahre alt | Project manager (design and digital) | Allein

Hello! Ciao! Bonjour!

I'm Canadian but I have been lucky enough to live in multiple countries - and am now exploring different areas of Europe to find my next home!

I often house sit for my friends and colleagues, and it's always a treat spending time with their animals, and usually feels like a little vacation taking care of their home and gardens, making sure they come back to a clean comfortable space.

Most pets I've taken care of have been rescue animals so they are often anxious - but I'm happy to be a calm safe presence that will give cuddles whenever they want them. I grew up with pets but since I move around a lot, I can't have any of my own - so it's a privilege to spend time with yours.

Other than animals, I love my plants - and with more than 40 in my last home I'd say there's no such thing as too many. I also enjoy cooking, baking, art, doing anything by/on the sea, hiking, exploring new restaurants, going to the cinema or theatre.. and of course travelling.

Some things I like to do when house sitting:
- if there are animals, I try to get them as comfortable with me as possible right from the beginning
- finding out from the owners what their rules/boundaries are (for the house and the animals)
- if possible meeting the owners beforehand to go through any instructions
- being very clear about the different things that need special care
- keeping in contact to let the owners know how their pets are doing, and informing them of anything that comes up with the house
- keeping the place tidy, and doing a final clean on my last day

Professionally, I am a project manager with a background in graphic design, web management and communications.

Please feel free to ask me any questions, and I can provide references on request.

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Noe Mi

Marseille, France - November 2024

I was lucky to have Kendra stay over the month of October while I was away, to take care of my two beloved fluffs Babu & Minette. Kendra is great with cats, who liked her instantly, very tidy and respectful, and on top of this - a very interesting and friendly person. I really recommend Kendra for any petsitting. Welcome back anytime!

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