Catherine J.

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Jurançon, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat
Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Catherine J.

75 Jahre alt | ergonome retraitée

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Französisch | Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Jana & Joe

Basel, Switzerland - August 2024

We thoroughly enjoyed Catherine and Alain’s beautiful home and garden with the company of their pet-family (4 cats and 3 chickens). Catherine and Alain are a very interesting, kind and generous couple and it was a pleasure to have met. They picked-us up from the bus station and treated us to some lovely home cooked meals from their garden produce accompanied by great conversations! The house has a lot of charm and is perfect for nature lovers, surrounded by beautiful woods with views to the Pyrenees! We also had the pleasure to enjoy the fruit and veggies from the organic garden and some eggs during our stay. The pets are adorable and very easy to care for. Everyone comes and goes as they please, even the chickens. Some of the cats love cuddles, some enjoyed to be brushed or just hang out with us in the garden. The composting toilet was comfortable and easy to use - a great way to experience it if you consider one for yourself. There is even a sauna to enrichen a winter house sit :) Alain dropped us again off at the bus stop and waited for our departure, making sure all went well. When it eventually was clear, that our bus might not arrive at all and not able to guarantee the connections, we had to find other means of transport. Alain fetched us late, to welcome us another night at their home and dropping us off the next morning to the train station. This was exceptionally kind, and helped us to be in time for our next house-sit. Many thanks again to both of you for your kindness. We hope to meet again one day! Jana & Joe

Logement de Catherine J.

Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France

4 Katzen

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