Rob d.

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States


Über Rob d.

self-employed Voice Over/audio book narrator/organic grower/potter

UPDATE AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2017: after finishing our month long sit here in south France through September, we are seeking assignments in southern Spain (Alicante, Andalucia) for winter and into spring 2018 - please contact us!


ALSO - Rob and Nik have built and lived in their own off-grid, solar powered home in the past, so they are great candidates for homeowners with solar power or another alternative, ecological systems.

Greetings! We are Rob & Nik (married couple 17yrs) and our 9 year old homeschooled daughter Kiara. We are self-employed online and seek to give ourselves and our child a different experience of life immersing ourselves in different cultures and locations. We are residents of Portugal and Rob speaks English, Nik speaks English, French, Swiss German, German and a bit of Portuguese and Kiara speaks English, German, Swiss German and Portuguese fluently.

We love and enjoy pets and Rob also has experience with horses having grown up with them. We have had dogs and cats of our own over the years as well as chickens and other small pets. Kiara is - as many her age, enthralled with cats, dogs, horses and just about every other animal that crosses her path - we have firmly educated her in the respect and humane care of all our fellow creatures on the planet.

In the past 3 years, we have been traveling and lending out skills and hands to several both individual and business projects - a restaurant/b&b and an ecological retreat center. In these 2 projects, we ran a crew of between 6 and 10 young helpers (via WorkAway) creating organic extensive organic gardens, doing improvements, building a variety of facilities both for workers and in the first project, renovating a 6 room bed and breakfast and restaurant and creating a full farm to table organic garden (pics of one of the projects here: ).

We seek a quiet life in clean, comfortable surroundings where we can offer you to care for pets, your home and surroundings and even do some light maintenance/gardening. We do need internet access and we cannot sit a house that has any black-mold issues in any of the living areas - Nik is seriously affected by this health issue. For the rest, we are flexible and adaptable.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Nikola, self employed, Ehepartner / Partner
Kiara, open to all, Kind

Erhaltene Komplimente

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Martine a.

Fleurac, France - September 2017

Après une première expérience avec Nicolas, Rob et Chiara, nous sommes repartis en toute confiance et leur avons laissé la maison presque 4 semaines, nous avons retrouvé toute notre ménagerie en forme, bien soignée et la maison en parfait état! Merci pour cette belle rencontre, Martine

Lisa marie g.

Thetford Mines, Canada - August 2017

I met Rob and Kiara the night before I left. Both are really nice and easy-going! It was nice to share about their different way of life (than mine at least!), and they took good care of the cat and the flat. Thanks a lot!

Dulcinéa gt

Saint-Étienne, France - Juli 2017

Belle rencontre, maison et animaux super bien soignes...

Martine a.

Fleurac, France - Juni 2017

Nous avons accueilli des home-sitters et nous avons le sentiment de quitter des amis quand ils partent, heureusement ils reviennent garder notre maison dans deux mois, ce sont des personnes qui nous convenaient et le lieu et la maison leur convenaient, je pense, vraiment un grand plaisir de les rencontrer!!! Pour une première expérience avec Nomador, ça a été une réussite, bravo à Rob, Nick and Chiara!

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