Nate j.

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Seattle, Washington, United States


Über Nate j.

Project Manager

We are a couple in our early 40's from the US who enjoy travelling in Europe immensely. In 2019 we lived in France for the year and fell in love with the culture and language, so we are specifically looking for options in France. We recently lost our little dog of 18 years so we are really looking forward to taking care of another little companion or two for you!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Terra, Accountant, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Adeline et stéphane

Paris, France - September 2018

C'est la troisième année que nous recevons Nate et Terra, qui sont avec les années devenus plus que des pet sitters, des amis ! Tout s'est bien passé, comme les autres fois ^_^

Adeline et stéphane

Paris, France - September 2017

Bonjour, C'est la deuxième année que nous avons eu le plaisir de confier nos deux chats et notre appartement à Nate et Terra. Comme l'an dernier, tout s'est bien passé, à la fois sur le plan de la communication et de la confiance réciproque. A recommander !

Wolfgang e.

Vienna, Austria - August 2017

Nate and Terra are "house-sitting naturals", very nice to be around, tidy and flexible. They quickly learnt all there was to keep the house and the "zoo" (4 animals) in top shape. And they made our animals "immortal" by writing a great piece about them for their travel blog. Highly recommended!

Aude m.

Reichertshausen, Germany - Juli 2017

Nate & Terra have been great guests and pet sitters. For our first experience, it was not easy to let keys of the house (including pets) to strangers, but we decided to receive friendly people and had a great week together prior to our trip to pass on all the important info to Nate and Terra. Hardly a day went by without them giving news of the house/pets with a good or funny message (for example, trying to explain how to start the lawnmower with Facebook Messenger), opening our letters/invoices to allow us to act quickly in case of urgent issues, and petting the dog (the cat is very much a loner). Total trust was given and they deserved it with the great job they did! Basically we liked everything about this first time. We are sticklers for details but the experience was worth it and the deal was great. We will definitely repeat the experience with them or someone else in the future. It might even be our turn to do pet-sitting; why not find a small farm with a pool to enjoy with the kids? Or ultimately, we may come and visit them in the USA...

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