Kelli C.

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Sayreville, New Jersey, United States

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Über Kelli C.

43 Jahre alt | Coach/Blogger | Als Paar/Duo

Hi! We're Kelli and Ryan, a married couple who has been housesitting all over the world since 2014.

I run a personal development blog ,and offer coaching services, while Ryan's business is focused on helping people build a successful blog and online business.

We hope to inspire others, and share the insights we have gained from our own experience, in hopes it will assist them in making positive changes in their own lives.

Personal development is right up there with travel as far as our passions go. As they say, the time is going to pass anyway, so we figure one of the best uses of it is making the best of ourselves, and our lives, while we are here.

Our journey has allowed us to create many wonderful things, namely location-independent businesses we have been running from all corners of the globe since 2011.

Both of us were raised in homes where pets are family, and love the opportunity to care for them while traveling. Being around animals teaches us so much, and there is so much love to be had. This service is such a win-win and we are so happy to be able to do it.

Being huge nature-lovers, we particularly enjoy staying in more rural places, especially when we are in the US, and can easily get around with our own transportation.

When traveling internationally, we are equally open to rural and urban locations, as cities are a great place to experience the culture of a country.

We live a pretty clean life--we exercise and do yoga pretty much daily and don't smoke or drink. I am a vegetarian and Ryan eats meat very rarely so we can easily maintain a meat free home for anyone who prefers that.

Nightlife is of no interest to us, and while it's nice to explore new areas, we aren't ones to be sightseeing, and doing touristy things, all day every day. So we don't mind being in areas that aren't particularly touristic. Besides our traveling lifestyle, we are actually kind of boring!

Originally from NJ, we are always heading back there for extended stretches, and often around the holidays, to visit with friends and family.

Much of what we do online isn't time sensitive but I do talk with clients through Zoom so we do need generally reliable internet , where outages are the exception and not the norm. The absolute fastest speeds are not necessary.

While in the US, we have our own transportation. As for international opportunities that require a car, we generally only consider those where one is provided (automatic). Though we may be open to renting our own in certain circumstances.

We are fine getting around with taxis and public transportation, if readily available, in lieu of a vehicle; we are big walkers as well. For areas where motorbike use is common, like SE Asia, renting our own is not a problem.

Because we have no permanent residence, and can work from anywhere we can get a decent internet connection, we really enjoy spending time in places for an extended period to get to know the place, the people and the culture. Housesitting is a perfect way to travel in our preferred manner. We are kind of 'homebodies' but like changing up where home is every so often.

We really adore animals and cherish the opportunity to have them in our lives on a regular basis. We have taken care of so many awesome pets over the years, and they have truly brought so much joy into our lives, and contributed to so many great travel memories.

We have done dozens of sits in an eclectic mix of environments, from a luxury property in Bali to a bare-bones house three miles into the Costa Rican jungle, with no electricity and an outhouse( interesting for sure...) We're very used to moving between different environments, and cultures frequently, and are pretty quick to adapt.

International assignments include: Fiji, Bali, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Qatar, Oman, Thailand, Turkey, Panama, Greece, Czech Republic, South Korea, Vietnam, the UK and New Zealand.

We are HUGE animal lovers. Ryan grew up with a variety of exotic birds and is very well-versed in their care, as well as numerous dogs and cats. I grew up with cats my entire life--they are very special animals and I have a deep affection for them.

Since we started housesitting, we have taken care of cats, dogs, birds, chickens, rabbits, goats, pigs and horses.

When you entrust us with your beloved pets, know that they will not just be taken care of, but truly loved and showered with plenty of affection. We understand people are not looking for sitters to just provide for their basic needs, but more importantly, the love they get from their owner.

We have cared for dogs with a variety of personalities and temperaments,from the extremely shy and timid, to former street dogs, to the highly energetic who need plenty of exercise and engagement, to those requiring strong discipline and routine. We have watched many big, strong dogs and Ryan is very comfortable handling them on walks.

Many cat owners have remarked how surprised and delighted they were when their shy cats warmed up to us so quickly, so I think we have a way with them!

We have done one sit with 4 horses, and got experience preparing their food and medications, brushing them, putting them in and out of the paddock and blanketing. It was a very special experience.

Experienced administering insulin, and we have watched many pets requiring oral medication administered in a variety of ways!

Between spending a good deal of time at home to work, never being ones to fill our days with lots of 'tourist' activities, and not really going out in the evenings, your pets will never be alone for long.

We love doing things outdoors, and are very in shape and active, so if your doggies need nice long walks, we are happy to oblige. A great way to make sure we get our exercise in!

We love a clean and orderly space, so when leaving your home in our care, you can be assured it will be kept in tip-top shape.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ryan, 49 Jahre alt, Coach/Blogger, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Alexis t.

Manchester, United Kingdom - Juni 2017

Kelly and Ryan were great house sitters. They looked after our dog with genuine affection as opposed to duty. When we had a sudden plague of ticks (the rains came early!) they were swift to act and take care of it. They also kept the house and garden in good condition. They made friends with the neighbors and enjoyed the local community too, so it was an all round success. We would definitely have them back!

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