Amalie H.

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Leipzig, Saxony, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Amalie H.

23 Jahre alt | Digital Marketing - Market Data Services; at EEX AG | Allein

I am a 23-year-old student who is currently lucky enough to be able to work very flexibly thanks to my job at Deutsche Börse. The only thing I need is my computer and a bit of motivation and inspiration. I work in digital marketing, in market data services at the EEX transparency platform and I'm doing my bachelor's degree as a media reporter at the University of West London. So my mind needs a lot of creative freedom and new experiences. I love experiencing new cultures and just getting a breath of fresh air. It's amazing what a change of scenery can do for my work. Still, it's almost impossible to afford it all the time if you tried to do it through hotels or Airbnb. And even then, it wouldn't have the same feel as a lovingly decorated home. I have two cats myself and have always grown up with animals, like dogs, chickens, fish, frogs and all sorts of animals I would find in my grandmother's house. I love big dogs as I grew up with Sheep Dogs, but I also love smaller one’s. My boyfriend, who isn't quite as flexible, is at home with our cats Freddie and Emilio, during this time. I’m also a big fan of gardening and taking care of plants, because in nature I’ll find some unique peace of mind that can not be substituted by anything else. I look forward to any work and would love to spend time with your favourite four-legged friends. I am a very active person, so long walks and spending time outside as much as possible is a must for me. But of course if your pet enjoys being inside I will spent hours with them inside, also because of my writing-research work that I have to do in a day. I would be available at all times during my stay and would be happy to give you daily updates on your favourites if you wish. During my time with you, I would love to get to know your home town and wander the streets and fields. I thank you in advance for this opportunity and look forward to being your guest. Thank you very much for your kind trust.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Deutsch

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Pascale B.

Paris, France - August 2024

J'ai donné une première chance à Amalie, qui est toute nouvelle sur le site et je ne le regrette pas du tout ! C'est une jeune femme adorable, attentive, joyeuse, souriante, un vrai bonheur. Nous avons parlé anglais, comme nous le pouvions :) Ma chatte a été choyée, caressée, aimée, je l'ai retrouvée comme si de rien n'était, identique à elle-même. La maison était rangée. Que du bonheur ! J'espère revoir Amalie lors d'une prochaine garde, avec son ami si elle le souhaite. Vous pouvez lui laisser vos animaux et votre maison sans crainte aucune.

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